After 5 long years... selepas scandal yang menyebabkan Mc Mong mengurungkan dirinya di dalam rumah dan menyisihkan dirinya daripada masyarakat dan peminat industri muzik Korea... akhirnya Mc Mong telah mengeluarkan lagu Miss Me or Diss Me... actually im wanna wait several more days before post about dis but seriusly aku peminat besar Mc Mong... kehilangan dia membuatkan aku rasa sedikit terkilan and a lil bit lost because he just when missing ol of da sudden especially aku tengok cerita 2 days and 1 nite sebab dia... aku suka tengok Hodong, Sugeun, Seunggi and Mong together... memang kelakar gila tapi bila Mc Mong takde pastu Hodong... da series just became bosannnn~ enough about tat... Mc Mong in my eyes... seorang yang sangat talented, funny, and founder of my one fave boy band Dalmatian... and ol his song are incredible and love watching ol his vids, he had his comical side and his serius side... he is good in both ways... just take a second people... and listen to dis song... i can sure you... it worth your time


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