There is a voice from the other side
There is a voice that always talking to me
I might lost it sometimes
But im addicted to it... 
Deep deep down i know its only a voice
The owner of the voice tat i will never knew
The owner of the voice tat im only can dream of.

Sometimes it is gave me the courage, the motivation that i need. 
Sometimes its make me wonder, am i ever mean something to that voice. 
And im still know, and very aware of that voice is only a voice. 
That owner of the voice never, will never appear in front of me... 
Even so... Will never be mine

I can only dream of
I can only imagine 
I can only hope
That only one, one moment i will meet the owner of the voice.. 
The one that kept be going and be strong
Achive everything i could and reach for the sky
I was captured mesmerising of the voice
Its like give me power
At the same times i know its only a voice
And tat voice WILL NEVER BE MINE

Today 29/12/2023
I cant hear the voice anymore
Im kinda lost the connection 
And The Moon is hiding behind the clouds 
Rain keep pouring down
Rain seem not gonna stop
Moon... Owh moon when will i see u again
Will the voice who keep talking to me
Will talk again
Or its a sign for me to stop looking for the voice. 
I..... Immmmmm.... Hmmmmm

i cant be fair to the world
I cant be fair to everyone
When im actually waiting everyday
To ever heard a news or a story from that particular voice. 
It even got me thinking, 
What will i do if one day, my dreams
My vision or thought do came true
Watching the owner of the voice is with someone else

Im stare blankly, spacing out
I think im not myself today
Reset my mind, re format, re adjust myself
Reminded myself again and again i dont need the voice to make me alive
I should and i should stand again
My world ia crumble yes, when the voice told me its cant be forever for me
My world is sinking, YES when its told me when its gonna be the last day with me
As its told its will never ever gonna be there for me anymore 
but im still living a lie and keep telling myself a lie tat its will and yess it willlll

Yes today its gone
Today im gonna be on my own
And mybe today i will stop looking at the moon or stare at the sky. 
How painful 
When u not even realise, u been living as it told, as it suggest, as it want... 
The voice
The voice that the owner i will never knew
Will never know
Its not even existed 
Its just there..... 

Im gonna movee forward 
And missing the voice tat mesmerised me 
So today, in writing this after a very long time
With a lots of error in a sentence 
Just to let my feeling out... 

Hye Moon Hye Skies
Thankiu for this whole time
U never knew what u have done
But im really appreciated it



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